Thursday, February 17, 2011

Academic classes

Week of : Feb 21-25
Life Science
Lecture on section 2 and have a quiz on Wednesday 23 on section 2 of chapter 11.
Projects are due on Feb. 22.

Physical Science
Gone to DC!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DNA project outline

DNA Model Project
Due February 22, 2011 
Assignment-    Make a three-dimensional model of a DNA molecule and explain its importance.
 Model Requirements
  1. Build the model of the DNA molecule as a 12 X 18 inch poster or freestanding model.
  2. The project must contain a 3-D twisted ladder-like structure of 2 alternating materials to represent the sugars and phosphates on the sides of the ladder.
  3. Four other materials must be used to represent the bases A,T,C, and G.  These will be used as the steps of the ladder between the sugar molecules.
  4. The correct matching of bases must be shown.  A-T, C-G
  5.  Include a total of at least 9 base pairs (steps on the ladder) If more are used, they must be a multiple of the number 3
  6. Make the model eye-catching, creative, and sturdy.
  7. Wooden, clay, cardboard or other base to support your structure
  8. No candy or food products may be used on this product due to our ant problem.
Written Requirements
1.     Label each part of your model (sugar, phosphate, A, T, C, and G)
2.     Answer the following questions in three paragraphs in your own words.
            a.   What information is contained in DNA?
    1. Why does DNA replicate before the cell divides?
    2.  How does DNA replicate?
 Suggestions for materials: 
Sides of the ladder- pipe insulation foam, , pipe cleaners, drop ceiling wire, clothes hanger wire, cardboard
 Steps of the ladder:   painted wooden dowels, beads, or pasta
 See our class website and the following web pages for ideas: